"Local is Global" meeting of Greens elected at the Subnational level

Organiser(s): Margaret Blakers

WhenThursday, 30 March 2016

Time11:00 - 12:30

RoomRoom 14 (50 pax)


The Greens have always performed strongly at subnational levels of government, many of which are larger and more influential than most countries. There are thousands of elected Greens in local, city, state and regional legislatures, many are part of government, and a number are mayors or government leaders. Increasingly the importance of subnational governments is recognised in international agreements, notably the Paris Climate Agreement, but also in governance for sustainability including the Sustainable Development Goals.

A ‘local is global’ event on Thursday 30 March aims to attract elected Greens from local/subnational legislatures with a view to forming a global network.

The opening plenary would focus on the role of subnational governments in tackling global issues and be followed by workshops, displays and roundtables through the day.

We will establish a reference group, seek sponsorship for the program and participants, and promote the event as part of Greens2017 through local government networks in member parties and federations.